Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hair Bow Keeper

This is the finished hair bow keeper for the girls. I think I am going to put a white framed mirror in their room with the B on the left and the E on the right. When I get it up in their room with the mirror, I will take another picture and add it to this post. I wasn't able to do this craft during conference because, oh yeah, I have five kids. I finished it before conference this morning! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Cards

I snapped these pictures before I considered starting a crafting blog. The pictures were taken with my phone and were all crooked with shadows and bad lighting. Still... they are pictures of the first cards I made with my friend, Emily. I gave them to two of my friends in my ward who had birthdays in March. I thought they were super cute. After surfing some crafting blogs, I know there is a very high standard of cards. I know I will never get to that level unless SOMEONE (AHEM) will move out to here so we can share crafting supplies. Get on that already :)

So the thing on the left is an envelope with a mini card in it! It was cute.
I gave this card to Sister Couser. She is an elderly lady I visit taught for about 4 years. She will probably put it in her book of all the cards she received, b/c she is sentimental like that :)
Now this card actually turned out cuter then the picture shows. I used a "Versa" stamp all over the front. It just made it look like there was a faint water mark. The stamp I used was a flower that kind of matched the print.

I know... nice shadow. You can see that 'versa' stamp on the inside. I put it on the pink stripes. It matched the front stamp. It was subtle and super cute... if I do say so myself.